Create a piggy bank by setting your goal
Share your brand new goal with your friends on Facebook and let them support you in saving for your goal.
- Pick savings category (E.g. Wedding, Education, Holiday…)
- Name the goal (E.g. Concert Ticket, Bali Trip…)
- Put amount needed (E.g. $1.000, €3.200, £2.000, etc.)
- Set the target deadline (Tomorrow, 17.01.2017, etc.)

Into the circle to fill up your piggy bank
Hold and drag the desired amount of money into the circle to fill up your piggy bank. The savings amount will be updated right away:
- Goal: PlayStation 4
- Current savings: 850 TL
- Targeted amount: 1200 TL

Select your sacrifice category.
After putting the money in your piggy bank, you may select your sacrifice category.. The data will be visualized and you can track what you sacrificed to reach your goal.
Preferred to go to the campus by bus instead of taking a taxi. I have saved 50 TL

goal participants

and special offers

who is the SuperSaver