Success Stories

Primarily, Vakıfbank wanted to move the hybrid coded commercial mobile application to a completely native development environment. Vakıfbank is the bank with the highest transaction figures in commercial mobile banking in Turkey.
While developing the commercial mobile application, it is written with modular coding considering the retail banking application which will be rewritten in the next step. Thus a great benefit is achieved since a large part of the effort spent for this application also includes the individual mobile application to be written.

Turkish Airlines
We undertook to rebuild Turkish Airlines’ flagship app from ground 0 for smartphones and tablets with an ambitious time-frame and extended feature set. Agile methodologies implemented on-site to meet targets.
Turkish Airlines has been working with one of the most prominent mobile development companies for some time and when they looked for a change we were one of the few candidates which could replace it. When we signed the deal for their flagship app, we knew that the challenge ahead was enormous: we had to develop one of the most complicated apps from scratch and we had to make it better than before; on top of that Turkish Airlines had a ton of new features to add with a very aggressive timetable.
We chose to develop on-site, asked for Turkish Airlines personnel to join the team for improved communication & problem solving and implement agile methodologies. We were able to turn this huge challenge into a success.
While developing the commercial mobile application, it is written with modular coding considering the retail banking application which will be rewritten in the next step. Thus a great benefit is achieved since a large part of the effort spent for this application also includes the individual mobile application to be written.
We have also successfully completed AnadoluJet mobile application design.
The key highlights we are proud of Altın Örümcek Best Mobile App Prize, +5 million users, and +4 million tickets were sold in 2018.

Yemeksepeti Banabi
Turkey’s first and largest online food ordering platform Yemeksepeti stepped into the online market ordering sector with its new initiative Banabi. Banabi delivers the market products in 10 minutes to its users. Banabi offers the opportunity to order from close to 2,000 market products such as Ice Cream, frozen foods, fruit and vegetables, mother-baby products, household cleaning products and personal care products in many categories, online.
We developed YemekSepeti’s new android market application BanaBi. We used Android Architecture Components and although it was in beta stage during development, we used Navigation Components for navigation. We delivered the product only in 3 months even with the new technology, new domain and ongoing requirement changes during development. Also, we supported iOS development process.

Akbank wanted to renew Akbank Direct application, but since it has a very large mobile team, based on previous experiences; we have developed a mobile framework that is completely modular and with best practices and can be easily operated by crowded teams with the following features. We established Akbank Direct application on this framework and developed it together with other companies and launched.

İGDAŞ is a company established to provide natural gas infrastructure, distribution and operation in Istanbul and serves approximately 7 million customers.
We reduced the complex subscription processes of İGDAŞ to a single button and enabled them to change their infrastructure accordingly.

ENERJİSA is one of the leading energy companies in Turkey. We developed 14 products that used by 8 million users for different platforms. When we met ENERJİSA, they had many projects that developed by different software companies.
The system was quite complex and a lot of different architecture and language were used. Acknowledging the importance of standardization, ENERJİSA chose Mobven.
We organized full stack teams for projects and we took over different codes from very different projects. At least, we improved all their projects and created a living & integrated system.

İş Bank
TestOps trainings were given to test teams in order to establish a culture of mobile test automation.
Currently the organization has been managing its testing processes using Momentum products for a long time now.
In order to carry out the test processes together with the software teams, support was provided for integration and training in DevOps processes.

Koç Ailem
The KoçAilem team wanted to create a loyalty application for Koç members and their families. Since it is an application that reaches large masses we have worked with focus groups to provide the best UX experience.
The KoçAilem application is more than a simple loyalty application where group members and families can interactively participate in the processes related to the Koç and express their opinions. The applications we developed for IOS and Android platforms were able to enter the list of the most popular applications on the Android and Apple stores.

Edenred was seeking a digital solution for the meal ticket cards where you can find in many of the employee’s wallet in Turkey.
As well as IOS, Android application development, also the UI / UX work was done by Mobven. Thanks to the mobile application that offers many different options such as NFC and QR payment, employees can easily make purchases without physically carrying their cards with them. As a result of intensive work, today we have created an application that makes life easier for many employees including our own employees.

Momentum Suite; OdeaBank’s choice for quality management in mobile applications By making use of our M-Beta Testing product, they made their error notifications and provided their feedbacks in a much easier way and thanks to this, they extremely facilitated the communication and coordination between the business unit and test teams.

Accelerating Digital Transformation plans, Atlas Global chose Mobven to move forward on this issue. We have designed new software and design and management planning that will touch all points on Customer Journey Map.
After the implementation of iOS in a short period of 2 months, an optimization process supported by analytical data enabled the integration of digital processes with each other and increased the usage experience.

The bank wanted to offer its clients an application with saving concept. At this stage, we developed Money-Box application that provides ING clients with an opportunity to save money through the prepaid card infrastructure.
Our application not only motivates the users to save money but also allows the contribution of their family members and friends so that the clients can reach their targets in an easier way. The clients who achieve their targets may break their Money-Box and use the money accumulated in their prepaid cards for their expenditures.
There are limited saving products available, especially at micro-level and having insight on customers’ aspirations is a vast advantage such as convenient, impulsive, fun & gamified, social (with friends & family) and for social causes, enabling savings bit by bit, saving product offers, loan product offers, 3rd party deals for most popular goals, pension plan offers.

Turkey’s first participation bank Albaraka Turk, adds value to participation banking sector with over 30 years of experience. With the vision of being the best participation bank in the world, they continue their development from our technological infrastructure to the products they offer.
Acknowledging the sensitivity of the mobile users in the digital world, Albaraka chose Momentum Suite, which is a Mobven product, and the service it provided with it, knowing that developing digital products without errors requires a very good quality control.

Banka Kombtare Tregtare (BKT), one of the oldest banks in Albania, wished to modernize and provide a better and more secure experience for its customers. In this context, we have delivered a new mobile banking app for BKT.

Since its inception, Denizbank has made significant investments in technology, R&D, and innovation, has been named the "Most Innovative Bank of the World" multiple times in the United States and Europe, and has integrated all areas of physical or digital contact with customers through a "phygital" strategy.
For Denizbank's internal sales teams, we created the 'Kutup Yıldız' initiative. Mobven handled the entire project from start to finish. With the fastpay initiative, we maintained our collaboration with Denizbank. In this case, a digital wallet application has been created in collaboration with other Technology partners.

Osmanlı Yatırım
We started our cooperation with the E-Branch platform, where Osmanlı Yatırım serves its customers, and with a project in which an integration environment was created with the other partners of Osmanlı Yatırım. Parallel projects are carried out on new modules.

Mars Sportif is a fitness and sports franchise firm. The organization essentially provides a network of fitness facilities around Türkiye that its customers can use according to their membership plans.
They have chosen us for a Full Product Delivery on a new Android and iOS app.